Account Info changed.~Do you want to save it?=╘ß ≤⌠∩Θ≈σ▀ß ⌠∩⌡ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞∩² ▌≈∩⌡φ ßδδ▄εσΘ.~╚▌δσ⌠σ φß ⌠ß ß≡∩ΦτΩσ²≤σ⌠σ;
Add Account=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞∩²
Add Row=╨±∩≤Φ.≤σΘ±▄≥
Add Rule for mail from Sender=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╩ßφⁿφß πΘß ⌠∩φ ┴≡∩≤⌠∩δ▌ß
Add Rule for mail with Subject=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╩ßφⁿφß πΘß ⌠∩ ╚▌∞ß
Add Rule to Delete all mail from Sender=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╩ßφⁿφß πΘß ─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ┴≡∩≤⌠∩δ▌ß
Add Rule to delete Mail from Sender=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╩ßφⁿφß πΘß ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ß≡ⁿ ┴≡∩≤⌠∩δ▌ß
Add Rule to Delete mail with Subject=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╩ßφⁿφß πΘß ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ∞σ ╚▌∞ß
Add Rule to mark messages from Sender as Spam=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╩ßφⁿφß πΘß σ≡Θ≤▐∞ßφ≤τ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ß≡ⁿ ┴≡∩≤⌠∩δ▌ß ∙≥ spam
Add Rule to mark messages with Subject as Spam=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╩ßφⁿφß πΘß σ≡Θ≤▐∞ßφ≤τ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ∞σ ╚▌∞ß ∙≥ spam
Add Rule=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╩ßφⁿφß
Add sender to Black List=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ß≡∩≤⌠∩δ▌ß ≤⌠τ ╠ß²±τ ╦▀≤⌠ß
Add sender to White List=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ß≡∩≤⌠∩δ▌ß ≤⌠τ ó≤≡±τ ╦▀≤⌠ß
Added to the White List:=╨±∩≤⌠▌ΦτΩσ ≤⌠τφ ó≤≡±τ ╦▀≤⌠ß:
Advanced Options=├Θß ╨±∩≈∙±τ∞▌φ∩⌡≥
Advanced Show Info=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ≡±ⁿ≤Φσ⌠∙φ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ πΘß
All Accounts=╝δ∩Θ ∩Θ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞∩▀
All Files=╝δß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß
ALL Rows=╝δσ≥ ∩Θ ≤σΘ±▌≥
Already Connected=╣Στ ≤⌡φΣσΣσ∞▌φ∩
Animate the Tray Icon when you receive new mail.~This will produce a flashing indicator instead of the normal static one.=╩Θφ∩²∞σφ∩ σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ≡ß±ßδßΓ▐ φ▌∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ.~╚ß σ∞÷ßφ▀µσ⌠ßΘ ▌φß ΩΘφ∩²∞σφ∩ σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ ßφ⌠▀ ⌠∩⌡ Ωßφ∩φΘΩ∩² ≤⌠ß⌠ΘΩ∩².
Animated Star=╩Θφ∩²∞σφ∩ ┴≤⌠▌±Θ
Animated Tray Icon=╩Θφ∩²∞σφ∩ σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩
Any mail received from the following e-mail addresses~will automatically be deleted.=╧≡∩ΘßΣ▐≡∩⌠σ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß δß∞Γ▄φ∩φ⌠ßΘ ß≡ⁿ ß⌡⌠▌≥ ⌠Θ≥ ΣΘσ⌡Φ²φ≤σΘ≥~Φß ΣΘßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠ß.
ANY Row=╧≡∩ΘßΣ▐≡∩⌠σ ≤σΘ±▄
Are you sure?=╙▀π∩⌡±ß;
Ask for confirmation before deleting any e-mails.~This only works for the Delete button. Deleting messages~using rules will not ask for confirmation.=┼≡ΘΓσΓß▀∙≤τ ≡±Θφ ⌠τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ.~┴⌡⌠ⁿ Θ≤≈²σΘ ∞ⁿφ∩ πΘß ⌠∩ Ω∩⌡∞≡▀ ─Θßπ±ß÷▐. ╙⌠τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ~∞σ ⌠τ ≈±▐≤τ Ωßφⁿφ∙φ Σσφ Φß π▀φσ⌠ßΘ σ≡ΘΓσΓß▀∙≤τ.
AutoCheck only while Minimized=┴⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩≥ ▌δσπ≈∩≥ ∞ⁿφ∩ ⁿ⌠ßφ σ▀φßΘ σδß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φ∩
Because of the Security Risk, PopTray doesn't allow the opening of Executable files.=╦ⁿπ∙ σφΣσ≈ⁿ∞σφ∩⌡ ΩΘφΣ²φ∩⌡ πΘß ⌠τφ ß≤÷▄δσΘß ⌠∩⌡ ⌡≡∩δ∩πΘ≤⌠▐ ≤ß≥, ⌠∩ PopTray Σσφ σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡σΘ ⌠∩ ▄φ∩Θπ∞ß σΩ⌠σδ▌≤Θ∞∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ.
Black List mark as Spam=┼≡Θ≤▐∞ßφ≤τ ╠ß²±τ≥ ╦▀≤⌠ß≥ ∙≥ spam
Black List will mark the messages as Spam~instead of deleting them.=╘ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß ⌠τ≥ ╠ß²±τ≥ ╦▀≤⌠ß≥ Φß~σ≡Θ≤τ∞ß▀φ∩φ⌠ßΘ ∙≥ spam ßφ⌠▀ φß ΣΘßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ.
Black List=╠ß²±τ ╦▀≤⌠ß
Cannot delete last Account=─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ΣΘßπ±ß÷σ▀ ∩ ⌠σδσ⌡⌠ß▀∩≥ ╦∩πß±Θß≤∞ⁿ≥
Caption Options=┼≡Θδ∩π▌≥ ⌠▀⌠δ∩⌡
CC=╩∩Θφ. (cc)
Check All=╕δσπ≈∩≥ ⁿδ∙φ
Check and Info=╕δσπ≈∩≥ ΩßΘ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥
Check and Show=╕δσπ≈∩≥ ΩßΘ ┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ
Check current account for New Mail=╕δσπ≈∩≥ σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φ∩⌡ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞∩² πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß
Check First Account=╕δσπ≈∩≥ ≡±■⌠∩⌡ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞∩²
Check for Mail=╕δσπ≈∩≥ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ
Check for new mail every =╕δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß Ω▄Φσ
Check for New Mail on Startup=╕δσπ≈∩≥ φ▌∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ σΩΩ▀φτ≤τ
Check if On-Line=╕δσπ≈∩≥ ∞ⁿφ∩ ßφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ σφσ±π▐ ≤²φΣσ≤τ
Check on-line if newer version available.=╕δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß φσⁿ⌠σ±τ ▌ΩΣ∩≤τ.
Connect Error:=╙÷▄δ∞ß ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥:
Connection Info=╨δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥
Connection TimeOut:=╦▐ετ ≡±∩≤≡▄ΦσΘß≥ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ ≤σ:
Contact Info=╙⌠∩Θ≈σ▀ß σ≡ΘΩ∩Θφ∙φ▀ß≥
Default e-mail program to open.=╨±∩ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φ∩ ≡±ⁿπ±ß∞∞ß ╟δσΩ⌠±∩φΘΩ∩² ╘ß≈⌡Σ±∩∞σ▀∩⌡.
Default sound to play when new mail arrives.=╨±∩ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φ∩≥ ▐≈∩≥ ≡∩⌡ ßΩ∩²πσ⌠ßΘ ⁿ⌠ßφ ≡ß±ßδß∞Γ▄φ∩φ⌠ßΘ φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.
Default sound:=╨±∩ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φ∩≥ ▐≈∩≥:
Del Spam=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ spam
Delay in minutes to wait between mail check intervals.~Set it to 0 to never automatically check.=╫±ⁿφ∩≥ ßφß∞∩φ▐≥ ≤σ δσ≡⌠▄, ∞σ⌠ßε² ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∙φ σδ▌π≈∙φ πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.~╠σ 0 Σσφ π▀φσ⌠ßΘ ≡∩⌠▌ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩≥ ▌δσπ≈∩≥.
Delay on a SingleClick to wait and see if a DoubleClick is coming.=┴φß∞∩φ▐ ⁿ⌠ßφ ≡ß⌠Θ▌⌠ßΘ ⌠∩ ≡δ▐Ω⌠±∩ ⌠∩⌡ ≡∩φ⌠ΘΩΘ∩², ■≤⌠σ φß σδσπ≈Φσ▀ ßφ ▌≈σΘ π▀φσΘ ⌠σδΘΩ▄ ΣΘ≡δⁿ ΩδΘΩ.
Delete Account:=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ╦∩πß±Θß≤∞∩²:
Delete Account=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ╦∩πß±Θß≤∞∩²
Delete Button only available when using Safe Delete option=╘∩ Ω∩⌡∞≡▀ ─Θßπ±ß÷▐ σ▀φßΘ ΣΘßΦ▌≤Θ∞∩ ∞ⁿφ∩ ⁿ⌠ßφ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀⌠ßΘ τ σ≡Θδ∩π▐ '┴≤÷ßδ▐≥ ─Θßπ±ß÷▐'
Delete current message=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φ∩⌡ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥
Delete Error:=╙÷▄δ∞ß ─Θßπ±ß÷▐≥:
Delete from server=╙Γ▐≤σ ß≡ⁿ ΣΘßΩ∩∞Θ≤⌠▐
Delete Mail only on Next Check=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ≤⌠∩φ σ≡ⁿ∞σφ∩ ▌δσπ≈∩
Delete Message from Server?=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ΣΘßΩ∩∞Θ≤⌠▐;
Delete Messages from Server?=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ΣΘßΩ∩∞Θ≤⌠▐;
Delete messages marked as Spam=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ≤τ∞σΘ∙∞▌φ∙φ ∙≥ spam;
Delete Row=─Θßπ±.╙σΘ±▄≥
Delete Rule:=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ╩ßφⁿφß:
Delete Rule=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ╩ßφⁿφß
Delete Spam from Server?=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ spam ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ΣΘßΩ∩∞Θ≤⌠▐;
Delete Spam=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ spam
Delete this message from server=─Θßπ±ß÷▐ ß⌡⌠∩² ⌠∩⌡ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ΣΘßΩ∩∞Θ≤⌠▐
Deletion Confirmation=┼≡ΘΓσΓß▀∙≤τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐≥
Disable AutoChecking between the hours specified.~This is useful when you do not want noisy notifications~during the night.=┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩⌡ σδ▌π≈∩⌡ ⌠Θ≥ ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φσ≥ ■±σ≥.~┴⌡⌠ⁿ σ▀φßΘ ≈±▐≤Θ∞∩ ⁿ⌠ßφ Σσφ σ≡ΘΦ⌡∞σ▀⌠σ~Φ∩±⌡Γ■ΣσΘ≥ σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σΘ≥ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τ ΣΘ▄±ΩσΘß ⌠τ≥ φ²≈⌠ß≥.
Display the tabs for the different accounts in~multiple lines instead of one scrolling line.=╧Θ Ωß±⌠▌δσ≥ ⌠∙φ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞■φ σ∞÷ßφ▀µ∩φ⌠ßΘ ≤σ~≡∩δδß≡δ▌≥ ≤σΘ±▌≥ ßφ⌠▀ ≤σ ∞▀ß ≤σΘ±▄ ≡∩⌡ ∩δΘ≤Φß▀φσΘ
Do not run the AutoCheck timer event while viewing the PopTray Window.~This is useful to prevent an AutoCheck from happening~while you are manually checking for mail.=═ß ∞τφ π▀φ∩φ⌠ßΘ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩Θ ▌δσπ≈∩Θ ⁿ⌠ßφ ⌠∩ ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ⌠∩⌡ PopTray σ▀φßΘ ßφ∩ΘΩ⌠ⁿ.~┴⌡⌠ⁿ σ▀φßΘ ≈±▐≤Θ∞∩ πΘß φß ß≡∩⌠±▌≡σ⌠ßΘ ∩ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩≥ ▌δσπ≈∩≥~∩⌠ßφ σδ▌π≈σ⌠σ ∞ⁿφ∩Θ ≤ß≥ πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.
Don't Check between=╠τφ σδ▌π≈σΘ≥ ∞σ⌠ßε²
Double Click delay on Click=┴φß∞∩φ▐ ΣΘ≡δ∩² ΩδΘΩ ≤⌠∩ ΩδΘΩ
Double Click:=─Θ≡δⁿ ΩδΘΩ:
Drag to Create Separators=╙²±⌠σ πΘß Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ΣΘß≈∙±Θ≤⌠ΘΩ■φ
Extra Confirmation when Deleting Protected Messages=╨±ⁿ≤Φσ⌠τ σ≡ΘΓσΓß▀∙≤τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐≥ ≡±∩≤⌠ß⌠σ⌡∞▌φ∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ
Extra confirmation when you try to delete messages~protected by rules or the WhiteList.=╨±ⁿ≤Φσ⌠τ σ≡ΘΓσΓß▀∙≤τ ⁿ⌠ßφ ≡±∩≤≡ßΦσ▀⌠σ φß ΣΘßπ±▄°σ⌠σ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß~≡∩⌡ ≡±∩≤⌠ß⌠σ²∩φ⌠ßΘ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩⌡≥ Ωßφⁿφσ≥ ▐ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τφ ó≤≡±τ ╦▀≤⌠ß
Failed to Save Attachment.=┴≡∩⌠⌡≈▀ß ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ σ≡Θ≤⌡φß≡⌠ⁿ∞σφ∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡.
First check if you are on-line before checking for e-mail.~Used by dial-up users who don't want the dial-up dialog ~to pop-up when you are not connected.~Makes checking a little bit slower.=╕δσπ≈∩≥ ßφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ σφσ±π▐ ≤²φΣσ≤τ ∞σ ⌠∩ Internet,~≡±Θφ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩ πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.~╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θσ▀⌠ßΘ ß≡ⁿ ≈±▐≤⌠σ≥ ≡∩⌡ Ω▄φ∩⌡φ Ωδ▐≤τ (dial-up)~ΩßΘ Σσφ σ≡ΘΦ⌡∞∩²φ ≤σ Ω▄Φσ ß≡ⁿ≡σΘ±ß σδ▌π≈∩⌡ πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß~φß σ∞÷ßφ▀µσ⌠ßΘ ⌠∩ ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ Ωδ▐≤τ≥~ⁿ⌠ßφ Σσφ σ▀φßΘ ≤⌡φΣσΣσ∞▌φ∩Θ.~╩▄φσΘ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩ δΘπ▄ΩΘ ≡Θ∩ ß±πⁿ.
New message using default mail client=═▌∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ■φ⌠ß≥ ⌠∩ ≡±∩ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φ∩ ≡±ⁿπ±ß∞∞ß ßδδτδ∩π±ß÷▀ß≥
New Message=═▌∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß
New Messages Only=╠ⁿφ∩ φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß
No E-Mail Client specified=─σφ ΩßΦ∩±▀≤⌠τΩσ ≡±ⁿπ±ß∞∞ß τδσΩ⌠±∩φΘΩ∩² ⌠ß≈⌡Σ±∩∞σ▀∩⌡
No message selected.=─σφ σ≡Θδ▌≈ΦτΩσ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß.
No new mail=─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈∩⌡φ φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß
No protocol defined for account=─σφ ΩßΦ∩±▀≤⌠τΩσ ≡±∙⌠ⁿΩ∩δδ∩ πΘß ⌠∩φ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞ⁿ
No rule selected=─σφ σ≡Θδ▌≈ΦτΩσ Ωßφⁿφß≥
No Sort=╫∙±▀≥ ⌠ßεΘφⁿ∞τ≤τ
Not On-Line=─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ σφσ±π▐ ≤²φΣσ≤τ ≤⌠∩ internet
NOT Supported=─┼═ ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±▀µσ⌠ßΘ
Number of message lines to preview.=┴±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ≤σΘ±■φ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥ πΘß ≡±∩σ≡Θ≤Ωⁿ≡τ≤τ.
Number of messages marked as Spam:=┴±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ σ≡Θ≤τ∞ß≤∞▌φ∙φ ∙≥ spam:
Number of seconds to display the Info window~before closing it.=┴±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ Σσ⌡⌠σ±∩δ▌≡⌠∙φ πΘß ⌠τφ ≡±∩Γ∩δ▐~⌠∩⌡ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ, ≡±Θφ Ωδσ▀≤σΘ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠ß.
Number of seconds to wait during connection~before giving an error.=┴±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ Σσ⌡⌠σ±∩δ▌≡⌠∙φ ßφß∞∩φ▐≥~πΘß ∩δ∩Ωδ▐±∙≤τ ⌠τ≥ ≡±∩≤≡▄ΦσΘß≥ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥~≡±Θφ φß σ∞÷ßφΘ≤⌠σ▀ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß πΘß ╙÷▄δ∞ß ╙²φΣσ≤τ≥.
Number of selected messages:=┴±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φ∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ:
Once a message has been viewed, don't show it again.=╝⌠ßφ ▌φß ∞▐φ⌡∞ß ▌≈σΘ ≡±∩ΓδτΦσ▀, φß ∞τφ εßφßσ∞÷ßφ▀µσ⌠ßΘ.
Only download if size less than=╩ß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß ∞ⁿφ∩ πΘß ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ ∞ΘΩ±ⁿ⌠σ±∩ ß≡ⁿ
Open Message=óφ∩Θπ∞ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥
Options ...=┼≡Θδ∩π▌≥ ...
Password Protect=╨±∩≤⌠ß≤▀ß ∞σ Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ
Play Sound=╨ß▀εΘ∞∩ ▐≈∩⌡
Please enter the password to open Poptray=╨ß±ßΩßδ■ Σ■≤⌠σ ⌠∩φ Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ πΘß φß ßφ∩▀εσΘ ⌠∩ PopTray
Plug-in Error:=╙÷▄δ∞ß ≡±ⁿ≤Φσ⌠∩⌡:
Plug-in Options...=┼≡Θδ∩π▌≥ ≡±ⁿ≤Φσ⌠∩⌡...
PopTray will startup in minimized state.~Thus the window will be hidden and only the trayicon~will be visible.=╘∩ PopTray Φß εσΩΘφ▄σΘ σδß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φ∩.~┴⌡⌠ⁿ ≤τ∞ß▀φσΘ ∩⌠Θ ⌠∩ Ω²±Θ∩ ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ Σσφ Φß σ∞÷ßφ▀µσ⌠ßΘ,~ßδδ▄ Φß ÷ß▀φσ⌠ßΘ ∞ⁿφ∩ ⌠∩ σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ ≤⌠∩φ ≈■±∩ σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ∙φ~⌠∩⌡ ≤⌡≤⌠▐∞ß⌠∩≥.
Pop-Up Menu=┴φßΣ⌡ⁿ∞σφ∩ ∞σφ∩²
Portuguese (Brazil)=╨∩±⌠∩πßδΘΩ▄ (┬±ßµΘδ▀ß≥)
Preview the Message=╨±∩σ≡Θ≤Ωⁿ≡τ≤τ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥
Preview Top Lines=╨±∩σ≡Θ≤Ωⁿ≡τ≤τ ß±≈ΘΩ■φ ≤σΘ±■φ
Print the message to your default printer=┼Ω⌠²≡∙≤τ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥ ≤⌠∩φ ≡±∩ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φ∩ σΩ⌠⌡≡∙⌠▐
Protect against auto-delete=╨±∩≤⌠ß≤▀ß ß≡ⁿ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠τ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐
Remember which messages on the server has already been viewed~even after closing PopTray.=┴≡∩∞φτ∞ⁿφσ⌡≤τ ⌠∙φ ≡±∩ΓδτΦ▌φ⌠∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ⌠∩⌡ ΣΘßΩ∩∞Θ≤⌠▐~ßΩⁿ∞τ ΩßΘ ∞σ⌠▄ ⌠∩ Ωδσ▀≤Θ∞∩ ⌠∩⌡ PopTray.
Reply using default mail client=┴≡▄φ⌠τ≤τ ∞σ ≈±▐≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∩ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φ∩⌡ ≡±∩π±▄∞∞ß⌠∩≥ ßδδτδ∩π±ß÷▀ß≥
Requires that you enter the specified password to open PopTray.=┴≡ßΘ⌠σ▀⌠ßΘ τ σΘ≤ßπ∙π▐ Ω∙ΣΘΩ∩² πΘß φß ßφ∩▀εσΘ ⌠∩ PopTray.
Reset Mail Count in Tray when Viewing=╠τΣσφΘ≤∞ⁿ≥ ∞σ⌠±τ⌠▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ, ⁿ⌠ßφ ≡±∩Γ▄δ∩φ⌠ßΘ
Reset the Tray Icon message count when you view the PopTray~window. When new mail arrives only the new count since last ~view will be shown.=╠τΣσφΘ≤∞ⁿ≥ ⌠∩⌡ ∞σ⌠±τ⌠▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ≤⌠∩φ ≈■±∩ σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ∙φ,~ⁿ⌠ßφ ßφ∩▀πσΘ ⌠∩ ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ⌠∩⌡ PopTray.~╝⌠ßφ ≡ß±ßδτ÷Φ∩²φ φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß, ∩ ∞σ⌠±τ⌠▐≥ Φß ßφ⌠Θ≤⌠∩Θ≈σ▀~∞ⁿφ∩ ≤σ ß⌡⌠▄ ΩßΘ ⁿ≈Θ ≤σ ⁿ≤ß ▌≈∩⌡φ ▐Στ ≡±∩ΓδτΦσ▀ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠∩~⌠σδσ⌡⌠ß▀∩ ▄φ∩Θπ∞ß ⌠∩⌡ PopTray.
Reset Tray Icon when Viewing=┼≡ßφ▌φß±ετ ∞▌⌠±τ≤τ≥ ∞τφτ∞▄⌠∙φ ⁿ⌠ßφ ≡±∩Γ▄δ∩φ⌠ßΘ
Retrieve Body while Checking=┴φ▄Ω⌠τ≤τ ≤■∞ß⌠∩≥ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩
Save All Attachments...=┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ≤⌡φτ∞▌φ∙φà
Save Options=┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ┼≡Θδ.
Save Rules=┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ╩ßφ.
Select All=┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ⁿδ∙φ
Select Font...=┼≡Θδ∩π▐ π±ß∞∞ß⌠∩≤σΘ±▄≥...
Select Spam Messages=┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ spam
Select the option screen to show.=┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ⌠τ≥ ∩Φⁿφτ≥ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ ≡∩⌡ Φß σ∞÷ßφΘ≤⌠σ▀.
Shift Left Click:=Shift ß±Θ≤⌠σ±ⁿ ΩδΘΩ
Shift Middle Click:=Shift ∞σ≤ß▀∩ ΩδΘΩ
Shift Right Click:=Shift Σσε▀ ΩδΘΩ
Show Info Balloon or Advanced Info when new mail arrives.=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ßφßΣ⌡ⁿ∞σφ∩⌡ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ~▐ σΩ⌠σ⌠ß∞▌φσ≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥, ∞σ ⌠τφ ≡ß±ßδßΓ▐~φ▌∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ.
Show Info dialog with message details and buttons.=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ ∞σ δσ≡⌠∩∞▌±σΘσ≥ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥ ΩßΘ Ω∩⌡∞≡Θ▄.
Show Info=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ
Show Messages ...=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ...
Show Messages while Checking=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩
Show Messages=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ
Show shortcut keys in tips=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ≡δ▐Ω⌠±∙φ ≤⌡φ⌠ⁿ∞σ⌡≤τ≥ ≤⌠Θ≥ ≤⌡∞Γ∩⌡δ▌≥
Show the PopTray window always on top of other windows.=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ PopTray ≡▄φ⌠ß σ≡▄φ∙ ß≡ⁿ ⌠ß ▄δδß ßφ∩Θ≈⌠▄ ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±ß.
Show the PopTray window when new mail arrives.=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ PopTray ∞σ ⌠τφ ≡ß±ßδßΓ▐ φ▌∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ
Show tips on toolbars=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ≤⌡∞Γ∩⌡δ■φ ≤⌠Θ≥ π±ß∞∞▌≥ σ±πßδσ▀∙φ
Show Window on Notification=┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ PopTray Ωß⌠▄ ⌠Θ≥ σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σΘ≥
Specify a different timer interval for each account.~Set the intervals on the Accounts tab.=┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ΣΘß÷∩±σ⌠ΘΩ∩² ≈±ⁿφ∩⌡ σδ▌π≈∩⌡ πΘß Ω▄Φσ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞ⁿ,~■≤⌠σ φß σδ▌π≈∩φ⌠ßΘ ßφσε▄±⌠τ⌠ß.~╧Θ ≈±ⁿφ∩Θ ∩±▀µ∩φ⌠ßΘ ≤⌠τφ Ωß±⌠▌δß ⌠∩⌡ Ω▄Φσ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞∩² εσ≈∙±Θ≤⌠▄.
Test the Reg Expr syntax=╕δσπ≈∩≥ ≤²φ⌠ßετ≥ ╩ßφ ┼Ω÷±
Test the sound file=─∩ΩΘ∞▐ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ▐≈∩⌡
Test to run the e-mail program=─∩ΩΘ∞▐ σΩΩ▀φτ≤τ≥ ≡±∩π±▄∞∞ß⌠∩≥ ßδδτδ∩π±ß÷▀ß≥
Thanks to the following volunteers who helped with the translation:=┼⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠▀σ≥ ≤⌠∩⌡≥ ≡ß±ßΩ▄⌠∙ σΦσδ∩φ⌠▌≥ ≡∩⌡ Γ∩▐Φτ≤ßφ ∞σ ⌠τφ ∞σ⌠▄÷±ß≤τ:
The X close button in the top right-hand corner will minimize~PopTray instead of closing it.~To close use the "Quit" button.=╘∩ Ω∩⌡∞≡▀ ΩδσΘ≤▀∞ß⌠∩≥ ╫ ≤⌠τφ ≡▄φ∙ ΣσεΘ▄ π∙φ▀ß Φß σδß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩Θσ▀~⌠∩ PopTray ßφ⌠▀ φß ⌠∩ Ωδσ▀φσΘ.~├Θß φß Ωδσ▀≤σΘ, ≡ß⌠▐≤⌠σ ⌠∩ Ω∩⌡∞≡▀ "╕ε∩Σ∩≥".
This lists all the plugin DLLs found in your plugins directory.~Select to load/unload. Right-click for options.=┼Σ■ σ∞÷ßφ▀µ∩φ⌠ßΘ ⁿδß ⌠ß DLL ⌠∙φ ≡±ⁿ≤Φσ⌠∙φ, ≡∩⌡ Γ±▌ΦτΩßφ ≤⌠∩φ ÷▄Ωσδ∩ Plugins.~┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ πΘß ÷ⁿ±⌠∙≤τ/σΩ÷ⁿ±⌠∙≤τ.
This will add the following e-mails to the Black List:=╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ⌠∙φ ßΩⁿδ∩⌡Φ∙φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ≤⌠τ ∞ß²±τ δ▀≤⌠ß:
This will create a rule to delete all future e-mails from=─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß Ωßφⁿφß ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠τ≥ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐≥ ⌠∙φ ∞σδδ∩φ⌠ΘΩ■φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ß≡ⁿ
This will create a rule to spam mark all future e-mails from=─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß Ωßφⁿφß ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠τ≥ ≤τ∞σ▀∙≤τ≥ ∙≥ spam ⌠∙φ ∞σδδ∩φ⌠ΘΩ■φ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ ß≡ⁿ
This will delete all these messages.=╚ß ΣΘßπ±ß÷∩²φ ⁿδß ß⌡⌠▄ ⌠ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.
This will delete all these selected messages.=╚ß ΣΘßπ±ß÷∩²φ ⁿδß ⌠ß σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.
Timer Interval per Account=╫±ⁿφ∩≥ σδ▌π≈∩⌡ ßφ▄ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞ⁿ
To add actions to your application simply drag and drop from either Categories or Actions onto an existing ActionBar.=├Θß ≡±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ σφσ±πσΘ■φ ≤⌠τφ σ÷ß±∞∩π▐ ≤ß≥, ß≡δ▄ "≤²±⌠σ ΩßΘ ▄÷τ≤⌠σ" σ▀⌠σ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩ Ωß⌠τπ∩±▀σ≥, σ▀⌠σ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩ σφ▌±πσΘσ≥, ≤σ ∞▀ß ⌡≡▄±≈∩⌡≤ß π±ß∞∞▐ σφσ±πσΘ■φ.
To Be Deleted=╨±∩≥ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐
To Tray=┼δß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ
Toggle AutoCheck=┴⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩≥ ▌δσπ≈∩≥
Toggle Message Window=╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ
Toggle Sound=╣≈∩≥
Toolbar Options=┼≡Θδ∩π▌≥ π±ß∞∞▐≥ σ±πßδσ▀∙φ
Toolbars:=├±ß∞∞▌≥ σ±πßδσ▀∙φ:
Toolbars=├±ß∞∞▌≥ σ±πßδσ▀∙φ
Tray Color=╫±■∞ß σΘΩ∩φΘΣ▀∩⌡
TrayIcon while Checking=┼ΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩
Try to mix the colors when e-mail arrives in multiple accounts.~Windows only allows 16 colors in the tray, so mixing will not~always give the correct color.=╨±∩≤≡▄ΦσΘß ßφ▄∞Θετ≥ ≈±∙∞▄⌠∙φ, ⁿ⌠ßφ ÷⌠▄φ∩⌡φ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß ≤σ ≡∩δδß≡δ∩²≥ δ∩πß±Θß≤∞∩²≥.~╘ß Windows σ≡Θ⌠±▌≡∩⌡φ ∞ⁿφ∩ 16 ≈±■∞ß⌠ß ≤⌠∩φ ≈■±∩ σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ∙φ,~≤⌡φσ≡■≥ τ ßφ▄∞Θετ Σσφ Φß Σ▀φσΘ ≡▄φ⌠ß ⌠ß ≤∙≤⌠▄ ≈±■∞ß⌠ß.
Unable to Copy file.=┴Σ⌡φß∞▀ß ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡.
Unable to Retrieve Message=┴Σ⌡φß∞▀ß ßφ▄Ω⌠τ≤τ≥ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥
Unviewed messages will be shown in Bold.=╘ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß ≡∩⌡ Σσφ ▌≈∩⌡φ ≡±∩ΓδτΦσ▀ Φß σ∞÷ßφ▀µ∩φ⌠ßΘ ▌φ⌠∩φß.
Use MAPI=╫±▐≤τ MAPI
Use the POP3 UIDL command to check that message is still the same~before deleting it.=╫±▐≤τ ⌠τ≥ σφ⌠∩δ▐≥ UIDL ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∙⌠∩Ωⁿδδ∩⌡ POP3,~πΘß φß σδ▌π≈σ⌠ßΘ ßφ ⌠∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß σ▀φßΘ ⌠∩ ▀ΣΘ∩, ≡±Θφ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τφ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ⌠∩⌡.
Use the POP3 UIDL command to quickly check if the mail on the server has changed.=╫±▐≤τ ⌠τ≥ σφ⌠∩δ▐≥ UIDL ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∙⌠∩Ωⁿδδ∩⌡ POP3,~πΘß π±▐π∩±∩ ▌δσπ≈∩ ßφ ⌠∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß~≡∩⌡ Γ±▀≤Ωσ⌠ßΘ ≤⌠∩φ ΣΘßΩ∩∞Θ≤⌠▐ ▌≈σΘ ßδδ▄εσΘ.
Use the Simple MAPI interface of you e-mail client,~instead of using a "mailto:" link for replies and new messages.=╙σ ß≡ßφ⌠▐≤σΘ≥ ΩßΘ φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß, φß π▀φσ⌠ßΘ ▄φ∩Θπ∞ß~⌠∩⌡ ≡±∩π±▄∞∞ß⌠∩≥ ßδδτδ∩π±ß÷▀ß≥ ∞σ ≈±▐≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∩⌠²≡∩⌡~"Simple MAPI" ßφ⌠▀ ⌠∩⌡ "mailto:".
User Aborted.=┴Ω⌡±■ΦτΩσ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ.
User Interface=╨σ±ΘΓ▄δδ∩φ
WARNING: This account does NOT support Safe Delete.=╨╤╧╙╧╫╟: ╧ ╦∩πß±Θß≤∞ⁿ≥ ß⌡⌠ⁿ≥ ─┼═ ⌡≡∩≤⌠τ±▀µσΘ ß≤÷ßδ▐ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ.
WAV files=┴±≈σ▀ß WAV
What to show on the TrayIcon~while checking for new mail.=╘Θ φß σ∞÷ßφ▀µσ⌠ßΘ ≤⌠τφ ≡σ±Θ∩≈▐ σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ∙φ~ⁿ⌠ßφ ≡±ßπ∞ß⌠∩≡∩Θσ▀⌠ßΘ ▌δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.
When a connect error occurs, PopTray will display an error message.~If this option is enabled, the error message will only be displayed in the status bar and Tray Hint.=╝⌠ßφ ≡±∩Ω²°σΘ ▌φß ≤÷▄δ∞ß ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥, ⌠∩ PopTray σ∞÷ßφ▀µσΘ~▌φß ∞▐φ⌡∞ß ≤÷▄δ∞ß⌠∩≥.~┴φ ß⌡⌠▐ τ σ≡Θδ∩π▐ σ▀φßΘ σφσ±π▐, ⌠∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß ≤÷▄δ∞ß⌠∩≥~Φß σ∞÷ßφΘ≤⌠σ▀ ∞ⁿφ∩ ≤⌠τ π±ß∞∞▐ Ωß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡~ΩßΘ ≤⌠∩φ ≈■±∩ σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ∙φ ⌠∩⌡ ≤⌡≤⌠▐∞ß⌠∩≥.
When deleting mail they will get marked for deletion~and only physically deleted when the next check runs.=╙⌠τφ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ, ß⌡⌠▄ Φß ≤τ∞σΘ■φ∩φ⌠ßΘ "╨±∩≥ ΣΘßπ±ß÷▐",~ßδδ▄ ≤⌠τφ ≡±ßπ∞ß⌠ΘΩⁿ⌠τ⌠ß Φß ΣΘßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ∞ⁿφ∩~Ωß⌠▄ ⌠∩φ σ≡ⁿ∞σφ∩ ▌δσπ≈∩ ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ.
When previewing a message with MIME parts~PopTray will decode the MIME message, show the ~first part in the preview and the rest as attachments.~When unselected, preview will show the RAW message.=╙⌠τφ ≡±∩σ≡Θ≤Ωⁿ≡τ≤τ σφⁿ≥ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥ ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θ▌≈σΘ ⌠∞▐∞ß⌠ß MIME,~⌠∩ PopTray Φß ß≡∩Ω∙ΣΘΩ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σΘ ⌠∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß MIME, Φß σ∞÷ßφ▀≤σΘ~⌠∩ ≡±■⌠∩ ⌠∞▐∞ß ≤⌠∩ ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ≡±∩σ≡Θ≤Ωⁿ≡τ≤τ≥ ΩßΘ ⌠ß ⌡≡ⁿδ∩Θ≡ß~⌠∞▐∞ß⌠ß Φß σ∞÷ßφΘ≤⌠∩²φ ∙≥ ≤⌡φτ∞∞▌φß.~╝⌠ßφ τ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π▀ß ß⌡⌠▐ Σσφ σ▀φßΘ σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φτ, ≤⌠τφ ≡±∩σ≡Θ≤Ωⁿ≡τ≤τ~Φß σ∞÷ßφΘ≤⌠σ▀ ⌠∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß ßφσ≡σε▌±πß≤⌠∩.
When previewing a message, only load the~specified number of lines.=╩ß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ≡±∩σ≡Θ≤Ωⁿ≡τ≤τ σφⁿ≥ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥, φß σ∞÷ßφ▀µσ⌠ßΘ ∞ⁿφ∩~∩ ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φ∩≥ ß±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ≤σΘ±■φ.
When starting PopTray, first wait a few seconds~before checking for mail.=╩ß⌠▄ ⌠τφ σΩΩ▀φτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ PopTray, φß ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ßφß∞∩φ▐~∞σ±ΘΩ■φ Σσ⌡⌠σ±∩δ▌≡⌠∙φ ≡±Θφ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩ πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.
When you receive mail from the following list of e-mail addresses,~the messages won't be deleted by rules.=╩ß⌠▄ ⌠τφ δ▐°τ ßδδτδ∩π±ß÷▀ß≥ ß≡ⁿ ⌠Θ≥ ßΩⁿδ∩⌡Φσ≥ ΣΘσ⌡Φ²φ≤σΘ≥,~⌠ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß Σσφ Φß ΣΘßπ±▄÷∩φ⌠ßΘ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠ß ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩⌡≥ Ωßφⁿφσ≥.
While checking for new mail, also retrieve the message body.~This will slow down checking, but if gives you the option to check~the body contents in the rules.=╩ß⌠▄ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩ πΘß φ▌ß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß, φß ßφßΩ⌠▄⌠ßΘ ΩßΘ ⌠∩ ≤■∞ß~⌠∩⌡ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩ ΣΘßΩ∩∞Θ≤⌠▐.~┴⌡⌠ⁿ σ≡ΘΓ±ßΣ²φσΘ ⌠τ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß σδ▌π≈∩⌡ ßδδ▄ Σ▀φσΘ ⌠τ Σ⌡φß⌠ⁿ⌠τ⌠ß~σδ▌π≈∩⌡ ⌠∩⌡ ≤■∞ß⌠∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠∩≥ ∞σ ⌠τ ≈±▐≤τ ╩ßφⁿφ∙φ.
While checking, show each message as it is downloaded.=╩ß⌠▄ ⌠∩φ ▌δσπ≈∩, φß σ∞÷ßφ▀µσ⌠ßΘ ⌠∩ Ω▄Φσ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß ΩßΦ■≥ δß∞Γ▄φσ⌠ßΘ.
White / Black List=ó≤≡±τ / ╠ß²±τ ╦▀≤⌠ß
White List=ó≤≡±τ ╦▀≤⌠ß
Write all rules actions to a log file.~Filename: RULES.LOG in the same directory as PopTray.=╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ σφσ±πσΘ■φ ⌠∙φ Ωßφⁿφ∙φ ≤σ ▌φß ß±≈σ▀∩.~╝φ∩∞ß ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ RULES.LOG ≤⌠∩φ ▀ΣΘ∩ ÷▄Ωσδ∩ ∞σ ⌠∩ PopTray.
X Button Minimizes=╘∩ Ω∩⌡∞≡▀ ╫ σδß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩Θσ▀
You are trying to delete protected messages.=╨±∩≤≡ßΦσ▀⌠σ φß ΣΘßπ±▄°σ⌠σ ≡±∩≤⌠ß⌠σ⌡∞▌φß ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß.